Friday, December 30, 2005

last day

~* music: far away - nickelback
~* mood: melodramatic

tomorrow. in four minutes. in four minutes the last day of the year is born and it will be the day that i'm gonna close this chapter of my life. tomorrow is the last day.

the last i would speak of you.
the last i would hear of you.
the last i would think of you.

the last. last chapter of my life in which you are part of. next year will be different. next year, you shall not exist within my paradigm. next year, there won't be any tears which bear your name on it. next year, you will remain to be a faint memory.

i see the light of the stars as they are ready to shine for me and the world, to shine as a light for the hopeless. i pray that they'd live on and give me strength to face the beautiful new year God has made for us.

two years. those two years have ended and i am left to close the door and walk away. close the door and stay for the night, have a rest and prepare for the journey ahead. mixed emotions fill me as i breathe in this life. emotions like fear, anxiety, excitement, uncertainty. i have faith. i do have faith. things will change. things will change for the better. and i will live like i never lived before. i will love again. i will love again and this time it will be real. even more real than before. there's so much love, i can still feel it in my veins. so next year there will be even more. i shall live to love and give. i shall live to share God's love. witness and share. without you. without my love for you. without memories of you. without you.

this time i've thrown your pictures into the flames so it may burn into the past. this year i moved on even more, walked away more often, lived more often. next year, i won't even have second thoughts of doing so. next year, i'll be ready to take on the sky. i'll be ready to fly away from everything and make a new start.

the sun will shine pretty over the horizon. the clouds will humbly give way to the light. the tears will fall on another day. the laughter won't fade, and all the memories will be woven into another blue blanket.

because this year, i mourned your death. now you are just a ghost i refuse to see. you have finally walked out of my life, you're finally out the door. and now it is time for me to close it. this is goodbye, this is my new journey, this is a new chapter.


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