Saturday, June 26, 2004

so much for my happy ending

it's kinda tiring updating two blogs at the same time so i think i'm gonna give this one a break. for those who know raindrops just go there coz that's what i update like everyday. for butterfly garden...nyahaha! it's literally a deadjournal so..i dunno. depends. :) nee~ to jason thanks for the thing you sent me and sorry coz i got disconnected...

so there. it's one somethign already and there's rotc tomorrow. gawd. see you soon.


it's quiet tonight under the velvet sky
the remnants of what you said
sit quietly in the corner of my room
like shadows from my yellow lamp,
the old fan humming my lullabye.
realizing everything is like the dawn
while i wait for it by my window.
bittersweet is the word i could use
to describe everything. all of it
was insanely beautiful and empty
at the same time. i had to fill it
with helium so it would fly.
so i could let you go. so you would be
my shiny red balloon again
against my crimson lavender sky.

you were everything i wanted
but fate knew better.
these tears would soon dry
when i'm waiting for the rain again
waiting for my freedom
behind the gates.

it's been a long time since i wrote something like that. :)


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