i have a life! --focus!
~* music: wishing - hale~* mood: creative!
i'm really happy by the way that today turned out to be. today was a success in the sense that we were able to accomplish what we had to accomplish plus a little bit more. :) yeah. *i just kinda wished that other people would be as enthusiastic about it as i am..huhu*
anyways. i was windowshopping at shang this afternoon and i mentioned to erik that this place (shangri la mall) makes me wanna marrry a wafu rich guy and he replies, this place makes me wanna BE a wafu rich guy. come to think of it, yeah. harhar.
i saw one of our...how would you call it? common crushes today. erik said he looked pathetic. wahaha! but he was cute. makes me remember one of the stupidest things i've ever done in my whole life. then makes me remember one of the most bangag *but UBERLY funny* things that mimah did in her whole life. =)) speaking of mimah, i miss her. then suddenly, she buzzed me. yeah. :D
so anyway, i was bitten by the inspiration bug so...here. :)

click on the preview to see the full scale image. :) i dedicate this to ms. sangil who inspired us all in her passion and love for the arts. naks! haha! thanks to rafi for the lovely brushes! I MISS MY ENGLTRI FRIENDS!!! :D
anyways. :) i'm really happy and thankful and inspired so i hope this lasts until the new term. :D yeah. i ♥ life.
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