tequila sunrise
tequila - An alcoholic liquor distilled from the fermented juice of the Central American century plant Agave tequilanasunrise - The event or time of the daily first appearance of the sun above the eastern horizon
hope. it means there is hope for me in the coming year. there is a cure for this sickness, there is life after this. i can stand after i fall. coz i've been here before and i'm only coming back to prove that i can make it. there's so much more room for improvement and i am looking forward to that change in my life.
The deepest level of worship is praising God in spite of pain, thanking God during a trial, trusting him when tempted, surrendering while suffering, and loving him when he seems distant.
God is real no matter how you feel.
i have to trust in that and believe..that no matter how depressed i feel, no matter how alone i feel, no matter how many friends leave me behind, there is still a God that will be there to hold me and share in my pain, if not take it away. there's so much more for me to learn in this life and i wanna learn it through Christ. i wanna go back to where i started and that's from God.
my life has been full of...potholes of pain and bitterness and i wanna fill it up with a more than just a temporary cure of false hope and lies. i wanna feel whole despite the things i don't have.
one day i'm gonna see my dad and i'm gonna make him proud. i'm gonna show him what he's missed half of his life. :p
lately i've realized so many things about me that i have to change and instead of being mad at those people who shoved it in my face and made me realize, i'm glad they told me coz it's a wake up call for me and i am seriously wanting this change. i'm glad that even if i feel so alone right now...there's still people who care. and i see God in them. that's what totally rocks. that i see the hope that God brings.

looking forward to the sunrise... :)
God is real no matter how you feel.
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