Sunday, August 07, 2005

scattering thoughts

[:music:] 214 - rivermaya
[:mood :] numb

broken like rain...

i cannot hide what i feel
what i sense in me
that's bursting out
in tears
in laughter
in pain.

i cannot hide the real me
that hates to believe you are gone.
the real me which wishes for dreams
of you at night.

the light,
i cannot hide from it anymore
this is the real me
this is the me that you refuse to see
this is the me you refuse to accept

this is me.
i am broken.

are you happy now?


i've scattered them everywhere...because just when i thought i was ok, they broke me into pieces all over again. they wanna prove me wrong. but i wanna prove them wrong.

scattered thoughts

scattering thoughts of you
and me
who used to love
you who used to care for

but now it's just
who's here
lost in the storm that
has become your rage.
your rage that never should
have happened
your rage that
sang along
with the sad songs
on the radio.

scattered thoughts
of the life i lead
the life i loved
the life i thought
i was free.

i was not.

i was captive of your judgement
captive of all the hurtful things
i wish you never said.

i am setting myself free.
i will.
watch me.